sunnuntai 4. marraskuuta 2018

Venusfigures and my own?

Some researchers have suggested that paleolithic venus figurines could be made by women themselves from a subjective perspective, which would explain the "distorted" proportions. Interesting viewpoint to my own figures with the same kind of distortion! I thought I had found a new way of portraying humans, but I see my ideas are not only old, they are from the stone-age : )

 Selfie in shower from above and from the side.

 "What if I get flabby underarms" from above and the side.

Konstrundan 2018 open studios 8-9. September

More visitors this year than ever before!

Look, Mum, look! Tittammmatitta!

Washing the dishes and Baby in lap: Be careful Mum's coffee hot. "Jag höll på att diska när "Lady in red" kom på radion" och "Akta hett!"

Skulpturer utanför arbetsrummet och den halvfärdiga städkärran till performancen MOPPA.

Clay animation workshop 7.9 with school-children in Sirkkala school, Turku.

Project organized by "Konstrundan".

perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2018

Sculpting with your Mind's Eye - Workshop i Kolymbari, Crete, 15th August

Drawing exhibition in Kolymbari, Crete, 13-19. August.

Discussing the drawings with participants of "Logics of Image" conference participants. In the drawings, I am looking for ways to express the bodily subject as the experiencer of thoughts and moments.

Here some of the drawings included:
1. Stranges moves in curling.
2. First salsa lesson "do the salsa!"
 3. Happy because many "likes".

torstai 7. kesäkuuta 2018

Lukulehmä-työpajoja Raision kouluilla / över 150 barn i Reso har gjort lyssnande kor i lera under vintern

 Färska kor, gjorda av åk. 2 i Reso.
Esimerkkilehmät Ilona-Olona (hereford) ja Rustikki (ylämaan karjaa) tutustuvat uuteen laumaan lasten lehmiä.

Vuoden aikana raisiolaiset tokaluokkalaiset kävivät myös tutustumassa Kaiturin tilan lukulehmiin. Under året fick barnen även bekanta sig med läs-korna på Kaituri gård.